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The English name for blue equipment in World of Warcraft is "Rare." In the game, equipment is categorized by color, with blue being the second-highest tier of rarity after purple. Rare equipment is typically more powerful than common (white) and uncommon (green) equipment, but not as powerful as epic (purple) or legendary (orange) equipment.

Players can obtain rare equipment through various means, such as completing quests, defeating rare monsters, or purchasing them from vendors. Rare equipment often has unique stats or bonuses that make them desirable for certain classes or playstyles.

It's worth noting that the rarity of equipment does not always correspond to its actual usefulness. Some common or uncommon equipment may be more effective for a particular character build than rare equipment. Additionally, as players progress through the game and reach higher levels, rare equipment becomes less valuable as they acquire more powerful epic and legendary equipment.

In conclusion, while rare equipment may be desirable for its rarity and unique bonuses, it's important for players to consider their individual needs and playstyles when choosing equipment in World of Warcraft.


蓝色装备在魔兽世界sf中被称作(bèi chēng zuò)“蓝装(lán zhuāng)”。

蓝色装备是魔兽世界sf中的一种装备品质,它的品质排名(pái míng)在绿装和紫装之间。在游戏中,蓝色装备通常比绿色装备更加强大,但比👽紫色装备略逊一筹。蓝色装备可以通过完成任务、打怪掉落、制造等方式获得。

蓝装在魔兽世界😆(shì jiè)sf中的重要性不容小觑(xiǎo qù),特别是在🤎游戏早期阶段,它可以帮助玩家更快🫢地提升角色的实力,从而更好地完成各种任务和😍挑战。此外,蓝色装备在游戏中也有一定的交易价值,可以通过拍卖行等方式进行出售。

蓝色装备是魔兽世界sf中非常重要的(de)一种装备品质,玩家们在游戏😏中应该注重(zhù zhòng)收集和利用。


In World of Warcraft, the English name for blue equipment is "Rare". Rare equipment is one of the four tiers of equipment quality in the game, with white being the lowest and legendary being the highest.

Rare equipment is usually obtained through quests, dungeons, or crafting. It has better stats than common (white) and uncommon (green) equipment, making it a popular choice for players who want to increase their character's power.

In addition to rare equipment, there are also epic (purple) and artifact (orange) equipment. Epic equipment is even more powerful than rare equipment and is often obtained through raids or other high-level content. Artifact equipment is unique to each class and is obtained through a special questline.

In conclusion, rare equipment is the English name for blue equipment in World of Warcraft. It is a popular choice for players who want to increase their character's power and is one of the four tiers of equipment quality in the game.


In World of Warcraft, blue quality equipment is called "Rare". Rare equipment is better than common (white) and uncommon (green) equipment, but not as good as epic (purple) or legendary (orange) equipment.

Rare equipment is identified by its blue color and has better stats and bonuses than lower quality equipment. It is also more difficult to obtain, usually requiring quests, dungeons, or raids to acquire.

In addition to better stats, rare equipment often has unique appearances or effects that make them highly sought after by players. Some rare equipment can even be upgraded to epic quality through special quests or items.

Overall, rare equipment is an important part of character progression in World of Warcraft and is a key factor in preparing for end-game content.

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